LP in Primary Ed (open for registration!)

| Spanish | English |

A free Workshop (in Spanish) to take place in conjunction with ICLP 2024 in Dallas.

How to include Logic Programming in Primary Education?

This workshop is aimed at (Spanish speaking) primary education teachers who wish to develop Computational Thinking and Logical Thinking in their students, through Logical Programming (LP). It is focused on the basic thematic knowledge of LP and on the specific didactic aspects for this level of compulsory education. Those interested do not need to have prior knowledge in programming.


The workshop will be held during the following days prior to ICLP:

  • Friday, September 20
  • Friday, September 27
  • Friday, October 4
and the two following sessions concurrently with ICLP:

  • Friday October 11
  • Saturday October 12
All the sessions will be held virtually 15:30 to 18:30 (Dallas time, United States, (UTC-5)).

Other details

Attendance to the workshop is no cost; however pre-registration is required by completing the following form.

  • A certificate will be issued certifying 20 hours
  • Requirements: basic computer knowledge
  • As mentioned before, the workshop will be in Spanish.

Workshop Organizers

  • Laura Cecchi, National University of Comahue, Argentina (lcecchi@fi.uncoma.edu.ar)
  • Jorge P. Rodríguez, National University of Comahue, Argentina


Please send any questions to the workshop organizers.


This workshop is an initiative of the Prolog Education Group 2.0 (PEG 2.0), which aims to promote the use of Prolog-like computing to make logical reasoning and trustworthy coding skills more universally available. It is part of the Extension Project "Logical Programming in Primary School," of the Research Group on Languages ​​and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Informatics, National University of Comahue, Argentina.

PEG 2.0 builds upon a nearly 50-year history of developing educational materials for using logic programming languages such as Prolog and ASP to introduce children in primary and secondary schools to both logic and computing. It also includes the insights and innovations developed for teaching Prolog at university level in both Computing and non-Computing courses.

Prolog Education is a part of the "All Things Prolog" online Prolog community, an initiative of the Association for Logic Programming stemming from the Year of Prolog activities.