The Online Prolog Community

The Online Prolog Community, sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming, hosts several initiatives around the Prolog language, mostly stemming from the Year of Prolog activities. In particular the following initiatives are currently under way:

  • The Prolog Education Group (PEG 2.0) is aimed at mapping and providing Prolog education resources, that educators can use or adapt to teach Prolog at all levels, and to introduce schoolchildren and young adults to logic, programming, sound reasoning, and AI.

  • The Prolog Implementers Forum hosts community-driven proposals for extensions to the Prolog language and related discussions. These take the form of Prolog Implementation Proposals (PIPs), which describe extensions to ISO-Prolog systems with the aim of coordinating these and their APIs among Prolog systems. It is complementary to the ISO standardization efforts in that these proposals are either currently outside the scope of the ISO standard discussions (but can perhaps serve as a preparation step for standardization) or not appropriate for ISO standardization.
More generally, the aim of this site is to eventually serve as a community-driven, system-independent, online repository of pointers and discussions of all things Prolog.

The "All Things Prolog" online Prolog community is an initiative of the Association for Logic Programming stemming from the Year of Prolog activities.